Formula One: Of More than Passing Interest Globally

(Another in a series of occasional attempts to explain narratives around a secondary sport or other non-financial topic) The Formula One motor car racing circuit, a.k.a. F1, has long been massively popular throughout Europe and much of Asia and South America. Given that its prominence globally has exploded in recent...

Tailored Shareholder Reports, Bullets, AI, and a Meaningful Presentation

A few brief thoughts on the SEC Tailored Report initiative and in particular the Management Discussion of Fund Performance: First and foremost – the objective of moving toward performance narratives that are more meaningful to the target audience is commendable. From the SEC release: “The disclosure must “briefly summarize” the...

Interest Rate Risk

Interest Rate Risk A con-vexing Plain English challenge Bond fund communications inevitably involve discussions of interest rate risk and – to varying degrees – the accompanying concepts of maturity (easy to understand), duration (not quite as easy) and convexity (downright difficult). Here’s an attempt to put the relationship between these...